Peter's Workshop at HB
October 24, 2008
This Monday afternoon, October 27th, I'll be doing a workshop at HB Studio on Imagery and Action. Course description is below.
More information is here at the HB Studio site. HB is located at 120 Bank Street: (directions). 212-675-2370.
Peter Arcese
Imaging Workshop
Monday, October 27
2:30pm - 6:00pm
Class Fee $45
Theatre is an art form of visuals and actions. Audiences at the original Greek tragedies and comedies sat in a theatron, "a seeing place," to watch a drama, literally a "doing." Learn the language of images. Learn how the words of a playtext carry the visuals in images which support the action of the play. Explore the nature of this imagery through exercises designed to engage the sensory imagination. Enrich images through visualization exercises derived from both ancient wisdom traditions and the contemporary arts. Create a performance space filled with focused images areas, giving meaning to gesture, movement, and blocking. Work with the imagery in both classic and contemporary plays through monologues and scenes. Connect image, music, and text to create the strongest, most vivid actions. Special attention given to Greek Tragedy, Shakespeare, O'Neill, Williams, Beckett, and Shepard.