Fall Classes - Shakespeare & the Revenge Play
September 01, 2010
Fall Classes with Peter Arcese:
Shakespeare & the Revenge Play
Why So Much Blood, Guts & Gore?
What kind of a person would write such bloody plays & why?
- Was Shakespeare pandering to the insatiable Elizabethan appetite for blood?
- Was Shakespeare inciting racism for profit?
- Or was Shakespeare trying to show us a better way to live?
Titus Andronicus (1593/94): a tragedy of human depravity
The Merchant of Venice (1596/1600): a sinister comedy of cold reason
The Tempest (1610/23): a romance of cruelty & compassion
Location: NYC Bar Association, 42 West 44th St (b/t 5th & 6th Aves)
$145 for the series, $35 per individual session