Class cancellation - Njal on Ice
October 18, 2010
Regrettably I have to cancel this week's classes because of a cold and cough which has left me with very little speaking voice right now.
Regrettably I have to cancel this week's classes because of a cold and cough which has left me with very little speaking voice right now.
For a succinct outline of the play, see William Johnson's page at:
Agamemnon summary
For a remarkable presentation of passages from the text with spoken audio, text, & translation, see: Spoken and Sung - Agamemnon of Aeschylus
Focus your readings for our discussion of Njal's Saga on the following selections, with special attention to the key chapters which are marked by an asterisk:
Chapters: 1-8, 18, 19-20, 21-24, 33-34*, 48, 55, 75-77*, 84, 92, 98-106, 116*, 123, 127, 129-132, 141-45, 158-59.