Roman Replays
September 25, 2021
Here are links to resources related to our reading of Plautus' The Brothers Menaechmus.
Video performance inspired by the The Brothers Menaechumus
The Homebuddies Perform The Brothers Menaechmus by Plautus!
The Good, the Bad, and the Menaechmi
Brothers Menaechmus - Oak Park High School
Roman Theater & Theater History - Video
Dances to Flute Music and Obscene Verse. It's Roman Theater, Everybody: Crash Course Theater #5
Roman Theater with Plautus, Terence, and Seneca: Crash Course Theater #6
Previous post on this site for Theater History
Books on Roman Theater
Slave Theater in the Roman Republic: Plautus and Popular Comedy Reprint Edition
The Oxford Handbook of Greek and Roman Comedy (Oxford Handbooks) Illustrated Edition
Music in Roman Comedy Reprint Edition
The Stagecraft and Performance of Roman Comedy 1st Edition
Classical Literary Criticism, including Horace's Ars Poetica
Classical Literary Criticism (Penguin Classics) 2Rev Ed Edition, Kindle Edition